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We'd like to remind any adult club member who hasn't joined that it's a good way to keep up with informal paddles as any club member can use the facebook group to find other folk to go paddling with - and it's really very easy to join! Just go to and send us a request.

Sometimes if we're organising a club paddle at short notice it's easier for us to use the Facebook group - and we don't want our members who are not on Facebook to miss out. So if you really feel Facebook is not for you please email our secretary and let us know. That way, if we are organising a 'club' trip on Facebook we can send you an email so you're in the loop.




The club owns a range of sea kayaks, paddles, buoyancy aids, spray decks and cagoules, which have been purchased using club funds and grants from funding bodies. These are available for members to use on regular summer sessions and on most of our trips. We are sorry but the club cannot hire or lend kayaks.


If you are coming along to an outdoor session for the first time you will need: either a wetsuit or warm, light clothing, waterproofs, and footwear you don't mind getting wet. If you wear glasses ensure you have an elastic strap to keep them attached to your head! A change of clothes, a hot drink and some food is also highly recommended to warm up after the kayaking session.



We are lucky that we have the opportunity to experience some of the finest sea kayaking in the world in the company of like-minded people. But as with any outdoor pursuit there is an element of risk, so it is important to study the information below, understand and accept the basis of your participation and not put yourself or other paddlers at risk.


Some trips may not be suitable for children or less experienced adults - ask the trip organiser for advice if unsure.


Please email the trip organiser at least two days before the trip date so that they know how many people are coming and can let you know if the trip has to be cancelled for any reason. If you don't have your own boat and kit just ask the trip organiser if club kit is available.


On trips you are responsible for your own safety. Weather and water conditions will affect what you can cope with at your own skill level and physical condition. You should do your own planning, listen to the weather forecast and make sure you are happy to do what the other paddlers want to do - if in doubt of your abilities to join the trip, please contact the trip organiser for advice. 

You are also responsible for ensuring that you have adequate food and drink and high energy snacks for the trip. You should also always have a change of warm clothing. The club has a small number of dry bags to store these items in your kayak, if you do not own any yourself.


It is also important to look out for each other. Therefore you must also:​

  • listen to the trip leader and follow their instructions

  • be aware of the group as a whole and stay 'with the pack'

  • not do anything that may compromise the safety of others

  • make sure you inform the trip organiser of any medical problems that may affect your safety on the water




© 2019 - South Skye &

Lochalsh Kayak Club

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